Monday, May 7, 2012

Second ONe

I am sitting here with the writer of the hit new blog "Boasted Pork". He is very irritated and irritating but that's ok. We'll just call him Anonymous for now. He questions me on every little detail of life. He even reads over my shoulder when I try and type. He turns away now to pretend that he doesn't care about my posting when I know that he really does, as he shoves his elbow into my left arm. But that's ok CHRIS HULSIZER. I'll miss you a little bit.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Number ONe

First off, I no longer have a pomeranian.  I did have a very cute one a few years ago.  His name was Badger.  We had to get rid of him because my mother developed an allergy to his dander.  The people we gave him to are very nice and allow us to see him and send us pictures.  However, they renamed him to some super derp name that I don't even remember.  Anyway, this is my blog and I hope you enjoy reading the blogs that I will post when asked to do so.